Harbord Public School

Committed Teachers, Enthusiastic Learners, Supportive Parents.

Telephone02 9905 4276


Out of school hours care

This program is run by Harbord P&C, it is for school age children on the school grounds from Monday to Friday.

  • Mornings 6:30 – 9:00 a.m
  • Afternoons  2.30 – 6:30 p.m
  • Vacation care 7:30 - 6:00pm

For more information please check our website: http://www.harbordoosh.com.au or contact the OOSH office (located behind the school adminstration office block) on 9905 0614 or 0418 611 562.


Email bookings to admin@harbordoosh.com 

For all information, including rates, email admin@harbordoosh.com or ring 9905-0614.  The OOSH office is located behind the school administration block.


At Harbord OOSH we manage our administration with a web based program that allows parents to register online, make changes to their personal details and view their bookings and account status.  This website is directly linked to the Family Assistance Office and allows our centre to offer parents the most efficient delivery of Child Care Subsidy.

To register for Harbord OOSH please follow these steps:

  1. The only way to register is to go through our website www.harbordoosh.com.au  select  'register and book' tab. The link to Xplor on our website is set up to ensure all registrations are submitted to us.
  2. Complete all your details including both parents (if applicable) and 2 additional emergency contacts.  The immunisation must be completed and the authorisations for emergency contacts.  Click 'submit' when you've completed your registration form and the OOSH centre staff will notify you via email that your form has been accepted.  
  3. At this stage for bookings please - Email the centre at  admin@harbordoosh.com to request the sessions needed.  For vacation care bookings, all forms are located on our website.  Permission notes are required for vacation care.

Our full 2019 policy document is located on our website and is reviewed biannually.

Due to Harbord Public's high demand for before and after school care, we have teamed with Neighbourhood7 After School Carers and are calling for parents interested in operating a care service from their home for Harbord students.

Approved carers earn up to $57 per hour and provide a valuable service to our families.

For further information on being a carer or to register your care needs visit www.neighbourhood7.com.au or call Cassie Matheson on 0402 041 972.