Harbord Public School

Committed Teachers, Enthusiastic Learners, Supportive Parents.

Telephone02 9905 4276


Parents and Citizens Association

At Harbord Public School, we are committed to providing an environment that is safe, supportive and inclusive for all students to achieve their personal best. Students, parents and staff at Harbord Public School work collaboratively to demonstrate:

  • Respect for one another 
  • Responsibility for their actions
  • Personal best achievements of their goals

Our goal is to inspire every child to participate positively in the school community and beyond. We focus on promoting excellence, opportunity and success for every student, every day. We value and strive to develop successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens. Principles of positive behaviour support, trauma-informed practice, inclusive practice, and social emotional learning underpin our daily practice. High expectations for student behaviour are established and maintained through effective role modelling, explicit teaching, and planned responses.

Our School Student Behaviour Support and Management Plan (SBSMP) has been developed in conjunction with our school community. It outlines our school-wide expectations of behaviour to support our students' learning and wellbeing.



Membership of the Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) is open to all parents/carers of pupils attending Harbord Public School and to all interested citizens.

Our mission is: "Fostering a collaborative and supportive school environment for the betterment of the school; its students, staff and community."

Our activities include:

  1. OOSH (before and after school care)
  2. Canteen
  3. Uniform Shop
  4. Band 
  5. Many, many fundraising activities
  6. Grounds maintenance and working bees
  7. Providing funding to support the school, such as getting iPads and computer equipment into classrooms, provision of shade structures and play equipment in the school grounds.
  8. Social and community events
  9. Advocacy 

Your P&C is successful because of the commitment of a small handful of volunteers and our wonderful paid staff.

We are open to suggestions, and can always do more with your help. We are very efficient and effective and warmly invite you to contribute. There are many opportunities available that will suit your schedule, skills and ability to commit. Feel free to contact the P&C directly to your area of interest on the P&C web site harbordpandc.com.au

P&C Minutes

If you would like to receive a copy of the Minutes electronically, send your request with your name, child's name and class, email address and phone number to secretary@harbordpandc.com.au

Questions, issues or suggestions

If you cannot attend, you are welcome to email Catherine Roberts, the President, at president@harbordpandc.com.au  or drop any questions or suggestions into the box in the office foyer at least one week before each meeting.

2025 P&C committee

The current committee members are detailed on the P&C website  and listed below.

President Catherine Roberts
Vice President Tracey Watts
 Vice President Lyndsay Owen
Treasurer Peter Tazelaar
Vice Treasurer Gemma Glozier
Secretary Joanne Hall
OOSH Chairperson Margot Smith
Canteen Chairperson Vanessa Brown
Wellbeing and Advocacy Chairperson Kate Fylan
Uniform Shop Chairperson Tracey Watts
Sponsorship and CommunIcations Chairperson Martijn Timmer
Sustainability and Grounds Chairperson Louise Hall
Bake Sale Coordinator Kiri Learmonth
Fundraising and Events Inger Ohlsson